Apple Trees


Even though some apple trees are self-fertile, all varieties should be cross-pollinated with another variety to set more fruit.

In general, the early-blooming summer apples and the late-blooming varieties should not be used to pollinate each other.

Crabapples are good pollenizers for apple trees. Dolgo crabapple is often used for early-blooming apples. Prairiefire crabapple is used for mid-blooming apples. Snowdrift crabapple is used for mid- to late-blooming apple varieties.

NOTE: Mutsu (Crispin) and different strains of Jonagold, Winesap, Stayman, Shizuka and Arkansas Black are not good pollenizers of other apple varieties. They require at least TWO other varieties in order to set fruit. Alternatively, plant a single self-fertile pollenizer.


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