TREE SIZE: 2-year-old tree, approximately 5 to 6 feet tall
MATURE HEIGHT: May grow to 50 feet tall & 30-40 feet wide.
USDA Hardiness Zone 7-10
NOTE: If this tree does not fit in the box, the top will be cut.
Mexican Sycamore (Platanus mexicana) is a drought-tolerant tree native to northeastern and central Mexico. Grows well in south and central Texas and Florida. Slightly smaller than the American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis).
Out of stock
TREE SIZE: 2-year-old tree, approximately 5 to 6 feet tall
MATURE HEIGHT: May grow to 50 feet tall & 30-40 feet wide.
USDA Hardiness Zone 7-10
USDA Hardiness Zone 7-10
Our shipping season continues year round.
We can’t ship Citrus outside of Texas.
Orders shipping to Hawaii or Alaska must add $95 per box, for extra shipping. Call us for instructions at 903-882-3550.
Shipping & handling cost for every 2 trees is $39.50 (some exceptions do apply in an effort to prevent damage, particularly with most citrus trees).